
How to fix Audio Drivers for Windows OS (personal request)

So I got this request from someone (who told me not to tag) his name via my Instagram @galactivale asking me to make a quick post on how to fix audio drivers on windows. As you can guess the person is really struggling to get things done without sound on their computers so I decided to make this quick guide to help anyone with audio driver problems.

You might have been trying to update your computer’s drivers but unfortunately your computer had other plans for you. As much as you tried to solve the problem you gave up and tried to make do without sound.
Instagram: @Galactivale I Facebook: Galactivale I Twitter: Galactivale

I’ve decided to use windows 7 as an example for this guide because it is easier to explain to you guys and you can somehow relate it to other windows operating systems.

How did my audio drivers get messed up?

1. The common thing that happens to laptops is installing drivers that do not support the hardware settings and they end up failing to start the speakers. This occurs when one is trying to install unknown drivers using driver pack solution or any other software application that installs their drivers automatically and leaves you sitting there and just waiting for all of them to load to 100%.

2. One might have also tried to improve the sound quality and “picked” your own hardware setting driver from computer management that simply doesn’t support that computer and this resulted to the driver updating but not being able to play any sound.

3. The last scenario might have involved you accidentally disabling the audio and having no idea what happened so you might think that your speaker is damaged and needs to be replaced but that’s not the case.

How do I fix this?

To actually fix this I’m going to base them on the scenarios above 1 to 3 so you actually know what you’re doing.

1.For scenario Number one go to start > Right click on computer > Manage > on left hand side click Device manager > on right hand side click (depending on your audio device in this case) High definition audio device > right click High definition audio device > select uninstall

Then after that install the audio device with the INITIAL audio drivers instead of the one that was trying to install.

2. For scenario Number two go to start > Right click on computer > Manage > on left hand side click Device manager > on right hand side click (depending on your audio device in this case) High definition audio device > right click High definition audio device > click update driver software… > Browse my computer for driver software > let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer > make sure the box show compatible hardware is checked > Choose the default option > Go to next
For scenario number 3

3. Start > Right click on computer > Manage > on left hand side click Device manager > on right hand side click (depending on your audio device in this case) High definition audio device > right click High definition audio device > Enable

These are the most common cases when it comes to audio drivers but I hope this guide was very helpful and share it to those who are currently experiencing the same problem. But make sure to check out more laptops here

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