
Which one is better between Desktop or Laptops for Gaming?

Gaming can occur on different platforms but right now one of the most popular ways to game is either by Desktop or by Laptop (pc). For us who love computer gaming we all know they’re various things we do before actually playing a game. We always have to have the latest gaming tools and hardware to support our adventures. But which one is better?

Gaming is a big part for some of us although we are given many device options to enjoy them on we always automatically have a default playing device. Consoles already have the hardware needed to support all gaming needs all you need to do is frequently update the OS and buy games which can be expensive so many people have found it better to game using a high-end computers. We love computer gaming because of the content available if I were to ask you when GTA 5 on Nintendo switch is coming out you’d probably walk away and never speak to me again. But that’s not the case for computers because they support vast amounts content.

Many of us have found a special way of “buying” a game on “special sites” which makes us save lots of money which is probably why we select gaming on a laptop or desktop. That’s probably the best answer anyone could give you. People save hundreds to thousands of dollars every year because simply they switched to computer gaming which for a lot has improved the experience.

 When it comes to laptop gaming they’re crucial things you have to do before even thinking of playing a game on it. To actually be able to have a proper gaming laptop you need at least a 64-bit operating system this is essential. If you have 32-bit you will never be able to play high end games such as watch dogs 2.

Laptops need a super-fast processor like intel i7 and would be even better with a dedicated graphics card that makes your games run super-fast and fluid. The hardware for laptops is extremely important as well. If you have a low end laptop the only things you can upgrade to improve gaming are the ram and hard drive that’s probably it (which won’t pay off). It’s impossible to buy and install a new processor on a laptop so laptops need to already be built specifically for gaming.

Displays can be an issue on gaming laptops because the screens can go from 12-21+ inches and the bigger the screen it also increases overall bulkiness which makes it difficult to transport. Displays are everything when it comes to gaming and with a small screen you won’t get to harness the Visuals as you do on a desktop. On a desktop if you’re assembling you have the freedom to choose a wide range of displays.

The advantages desktops have are that you can fully customize it to your own liking. You can buy different types of monitors, keyboards, speakers and mouse then group all of them together to get one super desktop. You guys can also check out gaming laptops custom built to harness the full experience at TomTop here, GearBest here and Aliexpress here. Many argue that Desktop gaming is the same as laptop gaming but that’s definitely not true. I’ve seen people gaming on 2 4k external displays on a desktop which looks very awesome.

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On a desktop you have the freedom to literally put whatever you want inside the CPU case such as Cooling fans, Ram, Graphics card, hard drives etc. The cool thing is the bigger the case you have the more you can host or add on to the case example: 4 hard drives and you can just keep adding until you’ve literally stuffed every single corner. But on Laptops it’s a complete different story which isn’t that bad but doesn’t top the desktop if you know what I mean. Also check out gaming accessories here

Laptops can be “hooked up” with advanced technology even if their low end. You guys should check out my review on an Egpu here which allows your low end laptop to become high end. Technology is developing every single day and just to have all these cool devices at our fingertips is a whole new level just like the Egpu I reviewed some time back.

If you’re looking at comfort we can say they’re both confortable in some way because for laptop you have the option to put it on your lap or on a table so and you also have everything integrated into one device. As for desktop you can set it up on a nice desk and have a comfortable chair and a nice big LED monitors to enjoy gaming on. Both laptops and desktops could be bulky but obviously desktops are more bulky compared to laptops.

So in conclusion although both of them are extremely great for gaming I just have to tell you guys that Desktop gaming is far better than Laptop because of various things. In a short summary I can say that Desktops have very great displays ranging from 1-4K with 15+ inch displays which is essential for gaming and just ground breaking. Also that you can customize or upgrade your Desktops easily for the latest games that demand more so it’s a bit easier to fully have access to your Desktop and upgrade to play that game. More space equals more games. With having the ability to add more hard drives to your desktop (providing that your case is big enough) you can have more games.

I still think after this review you should be able to still get yourself a great gaming laptop and desktop. This shouldn’t make you regret buying a laptop but you should just consider what you’re getting for that price.

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