
8 things only Samsung galaxy s8 and s9 owners know

The Samsung galaxy s8 and s9 plus are one of the best phones up to date but some people still don’t know about the super cool features and software advancements. As we know, some of android users can find it a bit difficult to upgrade to the newer Sammy boys on the market right now but there has been major improvements that Samsung galaxy owners only know! These are the 7 things only Samsung galaxy s8 and s9 plus owners would know!

You can change the display resolution

Remember when you could only have the default resolution!!? Ok, probably not but it’s true. Most companies restrict your resolution based on the screen you have! That might not sound like much but by doing so; you literally can’t optimize your screen to when you need it. On the Samsung galaxy s8 and s9 plus, you can change the resolution to what you need to use it for. Let’s say that you just want to casually text and no videos or photos, you can simply lower the resolution to HD+ and if you want to use it for pictures, videos and gaming, just bump it up to FHD+ and for VR purposes you can max it out to WQHD+ which can give you great amounts of details and really looks impressing inside virtual reality. So what exactly are the benefits of changing your screen resolution? By doing do, you can save a lot of battery life! Using the lowest mode can save you up to 15% which is consider a lot.

Bixby still sucks

Compared to Siri, Cortana and Assistant, Bixby had a lot of trouble answering simple questions. In general the other voice assistance is better than answering simple questions than Bixby would. Although it really sounded like a good idea before its initial release, due to Samsung’s bad history of software updates, Bixby was only a half-baked idea and did not work as much as they wanted to on Bixby.

New Game tool

If you have a couple of high end games on your s8 and s9, Galaxy owners notice the game toolbox that appears on the corner of the phone. What this allows you to do is to have few controls of how you play your game. Basically, since the introduction of 18:9 screens, the default 16:9 which high end games support were not natively supported on the s8 and s9. All you would get is these ugly black bars which don’t fill up the whole screen at the sides. So Samsung decided to have a fancy tool that makes you blow up the game in full screen and a set other tools you can use in games such as screenshot which is really convenient and makes gamers around the world a bit happier with this new feature.

Smart blue light tool

According to scientist, using smartphones and laptops emit blue light rays which disrupt sleep. To avoid this problem, Samsung added a “smart blue light tool” and when you click on it through the notifications bar; you get this red sun glow display. Obviously a lot of people might prefer normal displays, but would you really trade that in for a bad night sleep? Don’t forget, there are apps that can do this such as twilight, But I guess you’re better off using this tool so nothing bad happens to your sleep and you wake up fresh in the morning.

Ultra power saving mode

This basically allows you to decrease performance and changes the UI to achieve battery life up to 30 Days! I know this hasn’t been a revolutionary feature and is on a lot of android phones but there’s still the shocking fact, does the apple X have this? No! To go even further, No apple device has this! So it’s still worth brining up because let’s face the fact, It’s still impressive. There comes times where you need to conserve as much power as possible and what no better way to do that but to have an Ultra power saving mode! Samsung galaxy s8 and s9 owners know they can still rely on this when they absolutely need every single drop of battery left in the smartphone.

Dex experience

What is DeX? It simply stands for Desktop Experience! On the s8 an s8 plus we’ve seen that Samsung employed a new virtual environment that mimics a full desktop right on your phone. You get this fancy looking stand that has an HDMI output, 2 USB ports and a charging port. You just simply doc your phone and it sets up the environment for you. With the 2 USB ports you can add a keyboard and mouse; voila you have a full desktop! It really looks like a Windows 10 like computer and the performance is super fluid thanks to the plentiful 6GB of ram and the EXYNOs 9810 the S9 plus provides.

Earpiece+ Speaker surrounds sound

On the Samsung galaxy s9 and s9 plus we see a big sound improvement with the earpiece and bottom speaker working together. The results are extremely good so good that it sounds like you have a miniature Bluetooth speaker right by your side! On other galaxy generations we haven’t seen this feature but since its release on the s9, Users have reported that they love the implementation. Since this is an Android phone, you can use apps such as Viper to really mimic bass which sounds great but you do need root. 

There’s still a headphone jack!

A lot of smartphones nowadays are removing their headphone jack ports just because of companies like apple are doing so! But Galaxy owners are so glad that Samsung didn’t remove the headphone jack.  Sometimes you just want to plug in your headphones and be done with it unlike having Bluetooth headphones where you have to go to settings>make sure your headphones are charged> turn on your Bluetooth headphones > pair your headset, that’s too many steps! Sometimes you just want to be done with it and jump into that song without having to make sure that all the variables are the same.

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